Wei-Leng William Chen
Wei-Leng William Chen 陳威稜
Wei-Leng (William) Chen was the principal clarinet of the Taipei Symphony Orchestra for thirty years. He is now the principal clarinet of Taipei Sinfonietta & Philharmonic Orchestra. He studied with A. Gigliotti, former Principal Clarinet of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, from 1980 to 1984.
As an active international musician, Chen appears often as an orchestral soloist and chamber music recitalist, and he is considered to be one of the best soloists in Taiwan. He has performed recitals and concertos in numerous countries including Australia, China, Japan, Korea, South Africa, Russia and the United States; along with his native Taiwan.
He can be heard performing with Concerto soloist and the Taipei Woodwind Quintet, and is regularly asked to play in ICA.
Chen is frequently invited to be a panel member of domestic and international competitions.
As Director of the International Clarinet Festival in Taipei in the years of 2003,2005, 2007,2011,2013 and 2015; he won many plaudits. Chen is currently teaching at the most prestigious universities in Taiwan.
三十年來的演奏生涯,透過各種表演型態,呈現豐沛多元的音樂觀與獨特的舞台魅力,無論是與樂團演出協奏曲、舉辦個人獨奏會或是參與各形式室內樂組合的音 樂會以及出版的個人演奏專輯,均深受好評,合作的音樂團體包括:「臺北市立交響樂團」、「臺北愛樂室內樂團」及「臺北木管五重奏」等。2011年”陳威稜 與單簧管的六個漫遊”的演奏專輯更獲得第二十二屆金曲獎「最佳演奏古典音樂專輯獎」。
陳威稜更是台灣少數能夠享譽國際的單簧管音樂家,經常受邀於國際知名音樂節擔綱演出,並舉行大師班,風靡於澳洲、美國、法國、日本、韓國、香港及中國大陸 等地,並多次應邀擔任國際比賽之評審。其演出足跡更遍及歐洲各地,包括比利時,法國,匈牙利等。肩負著提昇台灣單簧管演出水準的使命感,陳威稜不間斷引薦國際知名音樂家訪臺,舉辦個人獨奏會與講習會,並於2003、2005、2009、2011和2013年的「臺北魔笛單簧管音樂節」中擔任藝術總監,致力於提升台灣單簧管音樂藝術,進而達到與國際接軌的引領地位。
陳威稜現為法國Buffet Crampon樂器以及Légère 竹片代言人,目前使用臺灣Willie&Fitz Clarinet Mouthpiece吹嘴