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Ma Yue 马越

Ma Yue has been the Principal Clarinettist of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra since 1993. He began learning the clarinet at the age of 10 with his father Ma Hong Ye (principal clarinettist of China Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra) and later under Zhang Ren Fu (principal clarinettist of Central Philharmonic Orchestra of China). In 1980, he auditioned into the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and studied with Professor Tao Chun Xiao. After graduating in 1984, he joined the school’s teaching faculty and was the principal clarinettist of China Youth Symphony Orchestra.


In 1989, he went to the United States to further his education at the University of Alabama, studying with Scott Bridge. He later became the Principal Clarinettist and Assistant Conductor at the University of Alabama Symphony Orchestra and was also a member of the Alarida Octet and Tuscaloosa Symphony. In 1990, he went on to pursue an Artist Diploma at the Konservatorium und Musikhochschule in Zurich, Switzerland, and became a freelance for the Zurich Symphony Orchestra and Zurich Opera House. He then taught at Musikschule Chur.


Since 1993, he has been actively performing with various orchestras apart from Singapore Symphony Orchestra. These involvements include performing frequently as a guest principal with China Philharmonic Orchestra and as a soloist with China Philharmonic Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra and Macau Orchestra.


Awards won by Ma Yue include the First Prize in 1990 Kiwanis Clarinet Competition, and Second Prize in the People's Republic of China National Clarinet Competition in 1982 and 1983. Recently in 2013, he has been ranked as one of China’s top ten musicians by CCTV and has been invited to become a jury member of the Sixth Beijing International Music Competition – Clarinet. He has also been invited to become the art adviser and judge of the Singapore International Orchestra Arts Festival 2013 and to serve as a jury member for the 1st Unisa International Flute and Clarinet Competition 2014 organised by the University of South Africa (UNISA) Music Foundation.


He is currently an artist faculty member at the National University of Singapore – Yong Siew Toh Conservatory.



马越于1989年赴美国阿拉巴马州立大学音乐学院留学,师从Scott Bridges教授,并担任单簧管首席及阿拉里达八重奏、塔斯卡卢萨交响乐团成员。1990年转赴瑞士苏黎世音乐学院攻读演奏家文凭,在校期间曾任苏黎世交响乐团单簧管首席、瑞士轻音乐团首席、苏黎世歌剧院替补队员,并任教于库尔音乐学院。1993年获演奏家文凭并担任新加坡交响乐团首席二十年至今。期间于2000年至2002年担任中国爱乐乐团特邀首席,并多次担任中华海外精英乐团首席,曾多次与新加坡乐团、中国爱乐乐团、澳门乐团合作担任独奏。



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